
Hello and Welcome!

On these pages I would like to keep you informed about current news from the Thung Makham Bay. Here you can find insider stories, information’s, tips, gossip, photos and a lot more about the bay , her neighbourhood and - of course - Thailand.

Please give me some feedback and tell me in what you are interested in, to keep the pages expedient and me on the right path. Thanks.

Many Greetz


Friday, June 13, 2008

Mr. Felix - aka Pak Peelips

The australian author and documentary filmmaker Felix Hude alias 'Mr. Pumpy' visited the bay and lived twelve days with us. Amongst others Felix is well known as the man who is biking 'South East Asia'. - Have a look at: - Felix selve discription sounds: "I live in Indonesia, make films, write and ride a bicycle."
But he performs a lot more. We got to know him as a day and night thinking and working philosopher, who is permanent lost in thoughts about his numerous projects. Especially I wondered about his enormous store of knowledge in Rock Music. I think our neighbours were certainly surprised to see him work outside in our ' Sahla ' up to three o'clock by night.

Personally, this interaktiv Comic, one of his earlier works, is my favourite:

C'mon Felix ... ride on.