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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Loy Krathong

For nearly 800 Years Thai People celebrated the feast 'Loy Krathong' - Lights Festival - on Full Moon of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar, so in November, in honor of the goddess of water Mae Khong Kha. This year the festival falls on the 13th November.
During the celebration people suspend small boats made from banana sheets in the water. When they drift away, as they believe, they take along all the sins, sorrow, sickness and bad luck of the last year. At the same time they commit their good wishes for the new year to the goddess.

And of course, there is also a tradionell 'Loy Krathong' folk song ... playing morning until night on the radio and with everyone humming it whilst making their krathongs.

The Lyrics:

In Thai, using Roman characters:

Wan Pen Duan Sip Song
Nam Koh Nong Tem Taling
Rao Tanglai Chai Ying
Sanuk Ganjing Wan Loy Krathong
Loy Loy Krathong
Loy Loy Kratong,
Loy Krathong Gan Laew
Koh Chern Nong Kaew
Awk Ma Ram Wong
Ram Wong Wan Loy Krathong
Ram Wong Wan Loy Krathong
Boon Ja Song Hai Rao Suk Jai
Boon Ja Song Hai Rao Suk Jai

Translated into English:

The full moon of the twelfth month,
As water fills the banks,
We, all men and women,
Have really good fun on Loy Krathong day,
Float, float the krathongs,
Float, float the krathongs,
And after we have floated our krathongs,
I invite you my dear,
To come out and dance,
Ramwong [traditional dance] on Loy Krathong Day,
Ramwong on Loy Krathong Day,
Good merit brings us happiness,
Good merit brings us happiness,

Unfortunately this years Loy Krathong was impaired by heavy rainfalls.

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